The one with the flashbacks...
This is probably the best episode of the mid-season slump (which won’t pick up again until after the Hartland arc) if not just because I love distant-past flashbacks. This has Richard, Kahlan and Zed finally reaching the much-discussed tomb of a former Seeker, intending it to be a secure hiding place for their Box of Orden.
It gets in some good ghost story clichés, from the opening Stinger with the hapless grave-robbers, to the eerie sight and sound of a weeping woman in white, and they also throw in something of a Rashomon Style backstory for Kieran and Vivienne, a Seeker and Confessor of ages past. Richard reads of them dying noble deaths, having won victory over their enemies and dying together on the battlefield, their last moments recorded by the wizard Amfortus – only it turns out that this is a complete fabrication, designed to hide their more sordid end.
The main problem with this is that the history of the Seekers is infuriatingly vague. Who were these guys? How many have there been? What exactly was their purpose? Are they always paired with a Confessor? Is Richard the first one since Kieran? How does each one get chosen? None of these questions are answered to any satisfactory degree, which is a shame for what could have been an important world-building episode. Instead, the trio of Kieran, Vivienne and Amfortus are fairly insubstantial stand-ins for Richard, Kahlan and Zed, giving us the chance to contrast and compare our current trio with counterparts that made all the wrong decisions...