
Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Quick Update

It's been rather quiet on this blog lately, and that's because... well, I have a new house that I have to get fixed up. Tends to be a bit time consuming. The good news is that the settlement day went smoothly, the bad is that now I have an actual mortgage (and in order to get a handle on it, I'm going to have to rent the place out for a year or so before moving in myself).

But still, it's a huge milestone that's been met and conquered, and I'm currently in the far more fun position of getting to chose colour schemes and patterns.

I've also been laid low with illness for a while. I had to take two weeks off work which is a new record for me, and though it wasn't debilitating it just wasn't going away, and I'm still trying to shake it off three weeks later. I'm sure that unconscious stress over the house played a part in this, but there are plenty of non-Covid bugs going around too. I can't wait for spring at this point. 

And today was the first day of a brand new lockdown for New Zealand. The Delta variant has landed in the North Island and no one is taking any chances. So that alone is the reason why I've found enough time to write this post! It's only going to last three days here in the South Island, and though it's disruptive to businesses and schools... honestly, I can't say I don't appreciate a quick breather. 

The other plus side of having more free time (even while sick) is that suddenly I have more opportunities to read. And man... I miss reading. Like concentrated reading. Plowing through books like there's no tomorrow, absorbing ideas and themes and well-crafted sentences, feeling immersed in creativity and imaginative force... whew, it's been a trip. 

I think I may make some amendments to my New Years' Resolution going forward and considerably cut down on ALL films and television shows. There's clearly something draining about statically watching things instead of engaging in the mental exercise required to process words on a page. I just need to read more.

Which is ironic, since I made August the month that I FINALLY caught up with DC's Crisis on Infinite Earths, which requires me to watch what feels like a dozen or so shows to get the proper context for the crossover. And let's face it, if you're after something intellectually stimulating, then superhero shows on the CW is the last thing you should be watching.

I don't have much more to say! Honestly, this post is just a way of keeping my blog consistent and passing the time in lockdown. Hope you're all keeping well, and with luck I'll have another Legend of the Seeker review up soon. Oh, and I have to write about the Toy Story Toons at some stage. And I keep meaning to get back to Shelley Duvall's Faerie Tale Theatre...


  1. Hope everything's OK - I bought my first house a few years ago and it was one of the most stressful times of my life.

    Never really came properly out of the first lockdown (I work in a college and we're a bit worried about the impact of hundreds of unvaccinated teenagers returning to campus in a few weeks, so I've been working from home for the last 17 months and will be for a little while yet) so I can tell you there is a point where you sort of run out of things to read.

    1. It's weird - it's like I'm stressed over *being* stressed; like all my instincts are telling me I should be more worried than I actually am. Maybe I'll feel happier when I've got some tenants in there...
