
Monday, December 9, 2019

The Best and Worst of the 2019 Christchurch Santa Parade

The Santa Parade is an annual event in Christchurch, and I don't think I've missed it once in the past five years. I used to go frequently as a child, and believe it or not, some of the floats I saw as a kid are still going strong all these years later. Now that's staying power!
And the truth is that I just LOVE parades. They were always my favourite part of visiting theme parks in Australia and America, though it's hard to say why exactly they're so appealing to me. Maybe the organized chaos, in which all manner of floats, characters, dancers, animals and miscellany march down a blocked-off street for the enjoyment of the masses.
But a parade that's run largely on volunteers is sure to have its ups and downs: things that are generally innovative and colourful, and things that... aren't so much.
Having taken my niece for the second time, here is the best and worst of the 2019 Christchurch Santa Parade...

Well, the best part was my niece, all ready for the big event...
These were performers from the Court Theatre, all dressed up in their Wind in the Willows costumes - which is important since that's the show I'm taking my niece to after Christmas. So this was a cool little preview.

The beagles are there every year, and they're always adorable.
Festive Stormtroopers! And they had the Star Wars theme blasting, which always gives me shivers.

I loved this headwear.
The haunted mansion was one of my favourites as a kid, but this gets extra credit based on the commentary I heard between the girls: "I don't know any of these people. Hi, strangers!"
Marching girls, a kiwi staple.
Also, miniature ponies!

Here's Snow White, on the back of a bike driven by a man in a skull bandanna. Only in the Santa Parade.
Attention to detail: this guy wove Christmas baubles into his beard.
The Garden City Queen always looks and sounds great.
Good old Humpty Dumpty, which has been around as long as I have. There are photos of me watching it as a little girl.
And of course, the man himself, complete with reindeer, elves, fairies, toys and a snow machine.

The first float of the parade, and it immediately breaks down, so we were treated to a hasty hitch-up to a convenient truck.

This guy, for reasons unknown, decided to drive his vehicle backwards. I cannot explain this, as occasionally he would do a spin, so it's not like he was stuck in this position or anything. He just decided to drive backwards. I hope his neck is okay.
It's a horse! Great, right? Except that about five minutes after this it did a giant shit on the road. Afterwards you could hear whether anyone in the parade stood in it based on the groans that emerged from the crowds.
Pity this poor man/woman, who spent the entire parade in a dingy caravan with their hand sticking out the window.
Why would you put this where children can see it?
Here are some tractors covered in tinsel. Hooray.
Hey kids it's the Little Mermaid! Being eaten by a giant whale!
Mickey's cheapskate cousins, Dickey and Winnie.
This car. It had no decorations, no connection to anything that came before or after it. Just... a car.
I really wasn't sure what to make of this collection of people, who were dressed up and walking together as an assortment of Disney Princess, anime characters, a gender-flipped Deadpool, Astrid from How To Train Your Dragon, Gandalf, Rey, some Christmas elves, and Aang, the last airbender.

Wow. That's... quite an eclectic gathering.
But despite the weirdness, the heat, and the horse poo, a good time was had by all. And honestly, the less-than-successful elements of the parade only add to its charm.


  1. Serious question: Would you have any advice on emigrating to New Zealand? Because we've just had the election (well, the exit poll) in the UK and I seriously think I don't want to live in my country any more. And I want to live somewhere led by someone I can admire.

    Or at least appears to have a human soul.

    1. Yeah, I woke up to the news. Bugger.

      Here's the website for emigration to NZ:

      According to this, you have to be under 56 years, meet the health, character and language requirements, and get at least 100 points in the Points System to register expression of interest.

      If it makes you feel better, we may have a Labour PM, but NZ isn't perfect. The sad legacy of Trump is that politicians everywhere have realized that vulgarity, crassness and explicit racism will get them votes among similarly minded assholes, and we're definitely seeing some of that in the opposition party here, even if they're doing it in remarkably stupid ways (first-class moron Judith Collins is tweeted an insult at a young couple buying their first house, chiding them about how much money they had spent on travel due to one of their tweets saying "204 countries and we found each other" which was CLEARLY not meant to be even remotely literal. Then when she got called out for her obvious stupidity she just dug in and said she knew all along it was a figure of speech.

      This is the level of intelligence and shitty behaviour in some of our politicians. We got lucky with Jacinda, but the assholes are just waiting in the wings.

    2. Thanks xx

      There were silver linings on Thursday night, but not many. Anne Main, a pro-Brexit MP who made a speech in Parliament about how she would not be "cowed" by her (largely Remain-supporting) constituents, got booted out by said constituents in favour of a wonderful pro-EU Liberal Democrat. The horrible racist Zac Goldsmith also lost his seat to them. They didn't *quite* manage the same thing with Dominic Raab (the foreign affairs minister), but they gave him a real scare and if he wants to keep his seat next time he'll probably have to reconsider some of the things he's said. The Green vote more than doubled.

      And Chris Williamson only got 635 votes, which is hard to explain the context of if you don't know who Chris Williamson is but was absolutely hysterically funny.
