
Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Woman of the Month: Rosa Diaz

Rosa Diaz from Brooklyn 99
It’s always a challenge to choose the Woman of the Month for January, as a part of me feels she sets the tone for the year to come. Should it be someone inspirational, someone complex, or someone I’d like to emulate?
This month I’m going with that last option and picking Rosa Diaz. Yes, I’m finally catching up with Brooklyn 99, even though I’ve spent the last few years looking at gif-sets on my dashboard and seeing the show’s best quotes applied to characters and situations from completely different fandoms (it’s actually a real trip seeing them in their original context).
And of course, the “great motive, still murder” line that’s currently threatening to tear fandom apart.
But one season in, and Rosa is already the stand-out character. It’s hard not to wish you could have some of her confidence and fearlessness, not to mention the black leather jacket and amazing hair. She doesn’t take crap from anyone, her personal life is a complete mystery to her co-workers; even her posture is intimidating.
Granted, her temper is not always a good thing, as sometimes it’s directed at people who don’t deserve it, or it makes a high-stress situation even worse. But there’s a heart in there – one that stands up for people being bullied, one that can recognize when someone else is in pain, and one that’s come up with creative solutions to difficult problems.
So in the year ahead, I’m going to try and channel some of Rosa’s attitude: do no harm, but take no shit.
(And just for the record, I’m counting down the episodes until Gina Rodriguez turns up!)

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