
Saturday, August 29, 2015

Links and Updates

Well, I begin my new job tomorrow which means that my already-limited free time will be whittled down even further.
But that doesn't mean I'll disappear entirely. I'm going to keep on reviewing Vixen (which is thankfully short and sweet) and am currently writing up a review on Indian Summersand I'm itching to get onto season two of The 100 (so many tantalizing GIF sets on my dashboard). As well as that, my TBR book list is stacked halfway up the wall, and I've got another Polytech assignment to finish by the end of the month.
So it's all on at my place at the moment; but honestly – I'm pretty happy about it.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Vixen: Episode 1

So it's arrived, the first of an influx of shows that I've been looking forward to settling down with. This past month has felt so empty without my weekly dosage of favourite serials. 

Available on CW SeedVixen is a thirty-minute animated web series divided into six short instalments, set within the continuity of Arrow and The Flash and with the possibility that the transition from animated series to a live-action appearance will occur later down the track.

People following me on Tumblr will know I love animation, and those who read my blog will know that my viewing experience of Arrow has been a very slow and sporadic process – but combining the two in an animated spin-off starring one of my favourite superheroines immediately piqued my interest.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Fantasy and Science-Fiction Films You've (Probably) Never Heard Of

As you may or may not know, I contribute a fortnightly column called "Big Worlds on Small Screens" on my friend Helen Lowe's blog. It basically involves me writing about science-fiction and fantasy as it exists on television, though occasionally I focus on films as part of specially themed sub-series.  
Most recently was "Fantasy and Science-Fiction Films You've (Probably) Never Heard Of", with the "probably" disclaimer inserted because I knew that such a title was bound to cause contention from people who have of course seen all these films. It just has a nicer ring to it than "Fantasy and Science-Fiction Films That Aren't Mainstream."
I had a lot of fun revisiting some of my old favourites and discovering some new classics, so I'm shifting the list to this blog, with links to the more detailed reviews on Helen's website. I hope it brings some otherwise-unheard of films to your attention – more than that, I hope that if you chose to seek any of them out, you'll end up enjoying what they have to offer.

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Standing Tall #9

Yikes, I haven't done one of these in ages!
This giraffe was one of the very first I went to visit (in fact, it might well have been the second) and it was beautifully placed next to the Peacock Fountain in the Botanical Gardens, just across the road from the Arts Centre which is still undergoing extensive repairs. Called Spring: Brilliance in Resilience by Gwilym Devey, the bright flowers against the black backdrop symbolises the onset of hope that accompanies the arrival of spring, as well as the on-going city rebuild. Like spring flowers, we'll eventually grow back.
It also marked the first time I realized how special this project was, as I was joined at the sculpture by a couple of American tourists – the first of many occasions in which I would end up in conversation with other people who were deliberately seeking out giraffes across the city.

Friday, August 21, 2015

Review: Humans

Yes, I'm back – but just barely. After surviving the onslaught of the flu I realized the deadline for my Polytech assignment was looming and so had to haul myself back into a motivated state of mind before the due date. I didn't actually achieve this, and so for most of this month I feel I've been dragging myself through sludge before handing in what's sure to be a subpar essay, but at least I can finally see some light at the end of the tunnel.
I recently had an interview for a shelving job at the local library – and got it! I didn't want to say anything here or on my Tumblr until I was sure of the results, but now that I've received the confirmation phone-call I can celebrate.
And how do I celebrate things? By reading, watching and writing about stories – starting with Channel 4's Humans which wrapped up a couple of weeks ago.

Spoilers below the cut. Also: I was a little lukewarm on the show, so if you're completely enamoured, it's probably best to give this review a miss.